Typically the Four Types of witnesses are: Lay witnessExpert witnessCharacter witnessSecondary witness Lay Witness A lay witness is the most common type of witness. This can be anyone from any walk of life who observed something that is relevant to...
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Tag Archives: evidence
Can a person be convicted without evidence?
Can a person be convicted without evidence? The short answer is no. In all criminal courts in America, State and Federal, the Constitution requires that the Government prove a criminal charge brought against a person beyond a reasonable doubt. This...
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Can I file a Motion to Suppress Based on an Unlawful Seizure?
Can I file a Motion to Suppress Based on an Unlawful Seizure? You can always seek to suppress the evidence against you if the police have violated your 4th Amendment right to be free from unreasonable searches and seizures. The...
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What are the Penalties for a Drunk Driving Conviction in the Tampa Bay, Florida area?
What are the Penalties for a Drunk Driving Conviction? In some instances, you could serve jail time if you went to trial and the Judge thinks you have lied under oath. Otherwise, your penalties will require a period of probation...
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Can the police forfeit my money or car?
Can the Police Seize My Money or My Car? The police can seize your money, car, or other property if they have probable cause to believe that the property was used or attempted to be used in the commission of...
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